
Secure Cloud Collaboration for Social Care

Improve frontline response with effective multi-agency collaboration.

Improving multi-agency response through secure sharing

In the absence of a secure, digital platform to share information, authorities often resort to email or paper-based means to collaborate across the frontline response network. Not only does this increase the risk of highly sensitive information being exposed, but physical information-sharing methods create bottlenecks, slowing the response time of critical services.

Objective Connect is an ISO 27001 certified, external file sharing and collaboration solution that enables multiple agencies and responders to share and collaborate on documents, capture conversations and control tasks with complete auditability. It provides the level of security, visibility and accountability needed to share relevant information so that specialist services can respond quickly and activate action plans from information received in real time.

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Logo middlesbrough council

Safeguarding missing children

At 2 o'clock in the morning when you get a call, you're sort of thinking, there's got to be a better way of doing this... It was an absolute no-brainer that we needed to involve Objective Connect in this service.

Leanne Hamer

Information, Complaints and Records Manager, Middlesbrough Council

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Safeguarding children at risk

Sharing of information with health care, social welfare, housing officers, police or other agencies can help safeguard children at risk.

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Connecting your Community

Discover how Middlesbrough Council and others are delivering better community outcomes through secure collaboration and information sharing

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Secure collaboration that makes a difference

Secure collaboration across response networks without the complexity. Objective Connect is packed full of security-first features trusted by UK local authorities and agencies who need to safely share information while maintaining oversight over the entire exchange.

Share information with peace of mind

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Share information with peace of mind

Transform the way you collaborate for a faster response to prevention, intervention, and follow-up care. 

Maintain single source of truth 
Never question if you’re working on the latest version. The flow of new documents and new document versions can also be two-way - ensuring case notes, service history documentation and communications are always kept up-to-date. 

Secure online edit, without download
Make updates in real-time via online editing. For added security, download, share and print functions can be blocked, even when online editing is enabled - keeping your case information in a controlled environment.

Ensure no one falls through the cracks
Live information can be shared via workspace comments and tasks to implement action plans based on real time data.

Different device, same protection
Securely collaborate in the office, at home or off-site with the Objective Connect for Mobile app available for iOS and Android.

More than a compliance check box, independently-certified secure

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More than a compliance check box, independently-certified secure

Your information is in safe hands with a platform that is designed to protect.

From embedded anti-virus, authenticated Single Sign-On, Two-Step Verification, native encryption and protection across devices to ISO 27001 and local hosting through Amazon Web Services, we’ve done the hard work to make secure file sharing and collaboration easy.

Arms-length Administration
Keep case information on a need-to-know basis. Administrators can maintain oversight without access to actual files.

Know who did what at any time
Use Objective Connect’s security controls to protect your data. Maintain easy access to a full audit history of your data, including who has gained access and where it has been supplied.

Tighter control on who can access what

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Tighter control on who can access what

Grant user access and ability on a case by case basis

Be in charge of who does what
Set the access abilities of each external participant within every Workspace to match specific collaboration requirements with every case.

Lockdown your content from preview to edit
In one click you can grant new abilities to download, upload, edit, share, add comments and invite participants.

Instant updates keep you across everything
Receive notifications as soon as a participant takes action - from accepting a Workspace invitation to uploading or downloading documents.

Track every interaction, on every document, every time

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Track every interaction, on every document, every time

A complete picture of who did what, when. 

Let your audit data tell the true story
Unique to Objective Connect is the Workspace Record. Produced in seconds, this easy-to-consume report gives you the full picture of who had access to your information and the actions they took, no matter how small.

View all activity at a glance
In chronological order, view all events that have occurred with the Workspace on-screen. This includes invitation access to previewing and downloading or uploading documents.

Complete visibility for peace of mind
Transactional audit reports on who did what, when can be produced at any time, providing the oversight required across every stage of response.

When it comes to social care, time is critical. Get started today.

Request a trial to see how you can implement secure, effective information sharing and collaboration across all stages of welfare response.

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