On-Demand: PII Uncovered

Methods for Identifying and Managing Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

In this webinar, hosted by Objective and the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), we explored the complexities of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in today’s digital world.

Watch this webinar to uncover:

  • Best practices for identifying PII, understanding its implications, and managing it effectively to ensure privacy and compliance;
  • Practical strategies, real-world examples and the latest trends in PII management; and
  • How you can leverage AI to help identify PII or sensitive data.

Whether you’re a data privacy novice or a seasoned professional, this webinar will provide valuable insights to enhance your PII management approach.


Ren Leming

External Vice Chair - IRMS

Jon Palin 

Chief Product Officer - Objective 

Stuart Meyers

Business Solutions Director - Objective

Antony Bauer

Senior Product Marketing Manager - Objective 

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