Inclusivity in the era of online consultation and engagement

The Consultation Institute and Objective Keystone

Following a year of vast change, public consultation and engagement has realised a new norm – that the show must go online.

So, how exactly have councils ensured communities continue to have their say? And, what’s coming next?

Led by Nick Duffin from The Consultation Institute, this webinar looked at how to drive inclusivity via technology to deliver consultation and engagement to all demographics.

The webinar:

  • Observed what the pandemic has meant for the consultation and engagement community;
  • Covered popular technology options and how these have been creatively adopted;
  • Reviewed different consultee profiles and the best channels for engagement; and
  • Explored what is meant by good consultation and engagement practice in 2021.

Nick was joined by Jim Fretwell from Objective Keystone, a provider of authoring, publishing and stakeholder engagement tools, to discuss how to support inclusivity in detail. Examples ranged from the world of gaming and GIS, to multi-language delivery, video-conferencing platforms and social media. 

Find out more

To watch the webinar recording, simply enter your details on the right-hand side of this page and the video will launch. 

    To find out more about Objective Keystone, contact us today.


    Nick Duffin

    Consultant and Stakeholder Involvement Specialist, The Consultation Institute

    Jim Fretwell

    Global Product Manager, Objective Keystone