Streamlining Building Warrants in Scotland

Improving how Building Standards teams assess, stamp and issue building warrants to their communities

Making eBuilding Standards work for local authorities

Since the introduction of eBuilding standards, councils throughout Scotland have been searching for efficient ways to accurately assess, stamp and return documents to applicants and agents. To do this, all 32 local authorities need an intuitive solution.

Posting plans is costly and time consuming, while emailing poses significant security risks. The volume of plans that need to be stamped and returned makes conventional options laborious. Lack of a visible audit trail to know whether plans have been received and opened, also exposes councils to potential disputes.

Download the Solution Overview to:

  1. Understand how to adapt to a new working world, ensuring plans are reviewed accurately, stamped quickly and are traceable once returned to the applicant.
  2. Discover a complete solution for Building Standards with Objective Trapeze, providing an accurate and efficient way to compare, assess and stamp plans.